21 something 5K

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Current Pull up Progress (needs work)

Well I haven't been focusing on my pull ups and they are getting ugly.  When I did my 10 in March they were a lot more controlled and I could keep my legs together the whole time.  So now I just need to start working on them again :)  But I have my starting point again!  Something to work towards.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

6 Months can make a big difference!

I can't believe it's been 6 months since I blogged last!  But wow,  it's been a blessing to look back and see how God has worked in my life over the past few months.  First of all, I was going through a major rut with my eating last year.   I've said before that it is something I will always have to work at!  I am an emotional eater and if I start to turn to food instead of God, it can get ugly.  I was really struggling with some weight that I had put on and just couldn't find the desire or will power to make the changes I needed to.  Of course, I still worked out, was strong, ate good food too, but I was stress eating too.  I also was running a lot, and I've found that for ME, I gain weight when I run too much or try to train for too many things.  

I'm so thankful to say that right now I'm in a much much better place with my eating.  I still have good days and bad, or maybe I should say good weeks and bad weeks :)  But I don't feel like I'm in a place that I feel desperate or out of control.

So the picture on the left was January 1st of this year.  I weighed about 147.  Now I have to say, that people that have seen these two pics did not even believe that that was me on the left a few months ago, because they've been with me and said I NEVER looked like that!  I have to admit, that is just a very bad pic.  It was right after all the holidays obviously, I ate whatever I wanted New Year's Eve, because everyone starts a diet on New Year's Day, right?!   And I was letting it all hang out!  BUT, I was in the place I had been for quite a while where I knew I could be doing better and I was uncomfortable with myself.  

So, when my team started Choose To Lose (weight loss competition), I had one long time client in the group that knew I wanted to focus on some of my own goals, and she kept me accountable.  That gave me the motivation I needed and things started to click for me again.  So I lost 10 pounds, met my goal of doing 10 pull ups and feel more in control now.  My workouts still aren't as regimented as I'd like them to be, but I have a busy schedule so I try to be flexible.  I get plenty of workouts in, I just don't have a consistent weight training plan for example, like I used to when I was competing.  Which is ok, because really I'm just training for life right now, and it's nice constantly mixing things up.  I kind of just go with the flow :)

So  That's what's been going on in my fitness life!  The rest of my life the last few months would take a LONG time to sit here and talk about.  I've learned so much and our family has grown a lot.  We still have a LOT of growing to do, which kind of scares me, what is God going to throw at us next ;) , but I'm confident that He will see us through it.  

Looking back at the few posts I made last year, they seemed to be focused a lot on my kids.  I was really feeling like I needed God's guidance with raising my kids (duh!).  That is still my prayer.  I've learned that there really is no progress without struggle, so I'm thankful for some of the struggles that we've had.  I know that there are people going through a LOT worse things.  But I'm thankful because without them I would just go on doing what I was doing.  Struggles cause you to stop and reach out and grow and seek God even more.  I probably shouldn't even call this a struggle, but more of a challenge.  And actually what we are going through I should call an opportunity.  It's been an opportunity to communicate, educate and reevaluate some of the things in our life!

Anyways, I probably won't blog a whole lot.  Instagram is so much easier because I do a lot of that while I'm sitting at my kids practices and things.  But I do enjoy putting my thoughts out here for me to look back on later or possibly even help or encourage someone else that my come across it.  

Leave me a comment if you'd like and let me know you were here!